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Sleep Better with the Benefits of Reishi

BY: Marisa Aguirre Marcori

The search for restful sleep is one of the most coveted treasures in times with stress being one of its greatest enemies.

Our hectic lives have put sleeping well as one of the most popular topics of discussion. Our daily performance, being in a good mood, our outer appearance and the proper functioning of our physiological systems all depend on a good night's rest, When we sleep badly our energy is more disconnected, dark circles under our eyes appear and our skin is duller because the lack of sleep increases the production of free radicals that cause premature aging. 

The way we sleep has a determining role in our energy levels and should be as important as our diet.Poor quality sleep can alter metabolism and hormones; which can lead to weight gain, moodiness, memory disturbances and other health complications such as inflammation, increased blood glucose levels and reduced immune system.In addition to better stress management, another important factor to sleep well is that our circadian rhythm or internal clock works according to the natural flow of the day; it is altered if we sleep with too much light in the room, or we are aware of the mobile or computer screens (excess light), or by eating dinner too late, doing little exercise or extending the time to go to sleep.

Sleep Better with the Benefits of Reishi

How can the benefits of Reishi mushroom improve your sleep?

One of the scientifically proven benefits of Reishi mushroom is its ability to improve sleep: it has a calming effect on the nervous system and facilitates relaxation.It is scientifically recognized for reducing the feeling of physical and mental stress and increasing the quality of our sleep. 

This is due to the presence of beta-glucans and triterpenes (the triterpene of this mushroom has a clear sedative effect on the central nervous system) that contribute to calm the nervousness and promote rest.Reishi increases the neurotransmitters that regulate sleep cycles and restores the structures that promote sleep. It can increase the time we spend in deep sleep, which is that valuable time for cellular and body repair and restoration. In addition, Reishi helps reduce cortisol levels in the body, a hormone that is released when we are stressed or anxious. 

By reducing cortisol levels in the body, it can help us feel calmer and more relaxed. Stress and immunity are related, but in addition to help boost immunity (thanks to its antioxidant properties), Reishi specifically helps the body fight oxidative stress as it is rich in vitamin B5, magnesium and zinc,as well as lysine, an essential amino acid important for combating anxiety. Numerous scientific studies have demonstrated the benefits of Reishi mushroom on nervous balance and well-being. It relieves anxiety, mood disorders, restlessness and exhaustion. 

Ref: Exploration of the anti-insomnia mechanism of Ganoderma by central-peripheral multi-level interaction network analysis

Ganoderma lucidum promotes sleep through a gut microbiota-dependent and serotonin

Super Chill

Marisa Aguirre Marcori

Marisa is Naturopath specializing in nutritional and emotional wellness. She brings extensive experience in a wide variety of alternative therapies such as energy and nutrition coaching, Bach flower, tapping, menopause, detox and psychodietary counseling. She is a published author "Super Soups", and lecturer.

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